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Can't Adopt?

If you fall in love but can't adopt you can still help out the dogs and cats by sponsoring a pet in the animal's name through the Sponsor-Me-Please Program.

This allows you to make a donation to Little Shelter in the animal's name to help provide for its care until finding a forever home to call their own.
big heart with dog and cat

Little Shelter's sponsorship program is a great way to show your love for animals all year round.

Your monthly support as a sponsor will give the dependable funding it takes to provide food, veterinary care, enrichment, and a comfortable place to live for homeless animals.

It's the best way to help because automatic donations are a cost-effective way to donate - so more of your support goes directly to our lifesaving work.

When you sponsor a pet, you will get triannual updates of your animal as well as monthly updates about the organization.

Call (631) 368-8770 ext. 23 for more information about sponsoring a dog or cat.

Little Shelter Business Hours

Monday - Friday

1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday

12 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Our Mission:

To serve as a refuge for abandoned and homeless animals by providing food, quality medical care, and shelter, until loving, permanent homes can be found - in essence, to 'Rescue, Nurture, & Adopt'.

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Little Shelter Animal Rescue & Adoption Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
33 Warner Road, Huntington, NY 11743

Telephone: 631.368.8770

EIN 11-6000821

NYS Shelter Registration No: RR211

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